Imagine you won a nice, cozy home on a tropical dream island.
Ilha de Queimada Grande, a speck of land off Brazil's southeastern coast.

Nice, isn´t it?
The ferryman says good bye, wishes you a nice weekend and heads for his boat, when he suddenly stops. Ah, there is something I almost forgot:
Beware of snakes!One of the world´s deadliest predators can only be found on this island. Hell, the golden lancehead viper
rules this place.
"A deserted island where the forest floor writhes with the world's most venomous vipers. A fisherman found dead on his boat, its deck awash with his blood. A lighthouse keeper and his family massacred in a nocturnal snake invasion of their isolated cottage home.""It's too early to estimate the current population," said Marcelo, "but we've logged 400 individuals so far, on our trail alone." [...] "What we usually say is that if you're looking, along the trail, you'll see a snake about every 10 minutes."The full story can be read at
forests.orgOr if you wish to return your price and choose another interesting island instead, get your price
Take time to think about your choice, it´ll probably be your last.